Wednesday, July 6, 2011

No kidding...I JOGGED!

I'd planned to begin some gentle exercises this week (July 9) and then add some aerobic and weight work-outs a couple weeks later. But I've jumped the gun just a bit.  Thing is, the stretches have worked absolute WONDERS!  I'm flabbergasted, honestly.

In the last 10 years, I've calculated that I've taken about 7300 ibuprofen tablets, about 1460 Celebrex capsules, and about 2190 naproxen tablets.  That is a MOUNTAIN of pills...and just not good for anyone, by anybody's estimation.  I took all those NSAID's because I was in a lot of pain.  It hurt to walk, move, wash dishes even.  I was stiff and sore and thought there was no better solution for me than to just take another pill.  I have endured at least 2 bouts of problems with a duodenal ulcer, suffered congestive heart failure symptoms when my renal function shut down from excessive ibuprofen use after the birth of my last child, and had my gall bladder removed (I honestly don't know if it was because of all the meds.)  Not to even mention that I developed fibroids, cystic ovaries, extreme monthly bleeding, and required a total hysterectomy during that time...I don't know if there is a connection... just saying.

And through all this, not one doctor ever told me to quit taking the pills and do some stretches.  Not one.  I've been to all sorts of doctors, including a rheumatologist, and not one suggested that my pain might be fixed by doing stretches.

My adult daughter often suffers from stiff and painful joints/muscles.  She started drinking the protein shakes, and has seen some improvement just from that.  She points out that maybe it's not only the stretching but the shakes. I refuse to do an experiment and let up on either, because I feel better than I've felt in 15 years.

Therefore... I took the kids to a local park and walked on the track there for 30.. count them... THIRTY! minutes.  I took a couple of tips from a show on Veria tv yesterday, that talked about interval training and the importance of good shoes and swinging ones arms at ones side and not across the body.  So I hit the track at a slow pace, and gradually increased speed on the first round.  During the second round I jogged for 1/3 of the track.  Yes... I... who could barely get out of the bed in the morning only 2 weeks ago.. I JOGGED.  I did that on 4 rounds, and then kept a brisk pace for the rest, with a bit of a slow-down on the last round.  And I quit before I felt completely worn out.  I'm energized and excited over the possibilities.  When I got home, I did my stretching routine to help the unaccustomed muscles relax.

I'll let you know if I'm sore tomorrow.  I'm thinking I will be a little sore, just from the new work-out the muscles received.  I've got lofty plans of making this a new part of my morning routine, maybe 3 times a week.  Like I said.. I'll keep you posted.

Anybody else out there who has tried the shakes or started a new exercise routine?  I'd love to hear from you :)

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