Sunday, July 10, 2011

Have you tried MSM?

MSM is Methy Sulfonyl Methane or methysulfonylmethane, as I've seen it listed, "a pure and beneficial form of organic sulphur, a naturally occurring nutrient found in every living organism," according to  The article goes on to say,
"It’s [MSM] toxicity rating is the same as water, and it has the lowest levels of toxicity in biology. It can safely be taken in accordance with the instructions on the bottle with other medications, although it is always recommended that a doctor be consulted before you take anything in addition to your prescription medication."
Last week I mentioned that I plan to add to my supplement repertoire every week or two, until I decide I'm consuming what I need.  This is tricky business, in my opinion.  I'm not easily sold on vitamins and supplements.  In fact, for years...well...most of my life, I really believed that I could get all the nutrition I need from the food I eat.

It took becoming so anemic I needed a transfusion for me to realize I might need a supplement of some sort.  Then fast-forward to trying protein drinks about 2 years ago.  I realized at that time that I truly felt better for it.  But I soon found the prepared drinks I was purchasing in the weight-loss section of Walmart to simply be too expensive.  I switched to protein powder at that time, but hadn't yet discovered making a smoothie of it, and would mix it with a little warm water and down it fast as I could, gagging all the way.  You can imagine how long that lasted.

I digress, but what I'm trying to say is that I have gradually, from experience, realized the magnificence of dietary supplements: both in helping to give my body all the protein and other nutrients it needs, and in helping to reduce my caloric intake.

Now, for the last month, I've been researching dietary supplements.  I've gone to several web sources...everything from sites that sell supplements to the US government  And what I've discovered is that I really wish I'd known about some of these supplements years ago.

Last week I added Alpha-lipoic Acid.  Click here to read about that supplement, and notice all the active links in that article referring you to some great sources.  This week I've added MSM.  And the jury is out.  We'll see what it does for me.  But from what I've read, I am expecting great things. Click and MSM 2 for some interesting information regarding MSM benefits.

I did read information that suggested starting with a small amount and work up to anywhere between 5000mg - 20,000mg daily.  But as per my typical, starting small is close to impossible, so I plunged right in with 5000mg/daily.  That did produce the, ahem, stomach upset mentioned in some of the information I've read.  I've cut back to 3000mg/daily.

I'm interested to know if any of you have tried an MSM supplement. Let me know :)

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