Monday, August 8, 2011

Eat Your Broccoli Sprouts!!

"Eating small amounts of 3-day-old broccoli sprouts gives you as much 'enzyme inducers that protect against cancer' as eating 10-100 times larger quantities of mature broccoli."

Fresh from the "eat anything I want without regard to nutrition" phase of my life, which left me feeling just awful and 100 lbs. overweight, I've a lot to learn about good nutrition. And, I'd like to add, I liked my high-carb, high-fat diet just fine...but I didn't like how I was looking and feeling. I didn't set out to radically revolutioize my way of eating. I didn't expect to make big changes. I just wanted to add...I said ADD...a few healthy things to my diet, hoping to feel better and become more active. I did not cut out foods. I ADDED foods.

OK...OK...I can see this is developing into 2 or 3 posts in one, so even though I've got a LOT to say about eating something healthy, and what it has done for me, I will focus for this post and say:
John Hopkins University (JHU) has done quite substantial research (as have many other respected universities and research labs) concluding that broccoli could well contain the best defense our body has against perhaps just about any kind of cancer. [See the links below this article to read the documents yourself.] And better yet, in case the idea of munching a couple pounds of broccoli each day seems overwhelming, consider growing your own broccoli sprouts. JHU has this to say about 3-day-old broccoli sprouts:

"Large quantities of inducers of enzymes that protect against carcinogens can be delivered in the diet by small quantities of young crucifer sprouts (e.g., 3-day-old broccoli sprouts) that contain as much inducer activity as 10=100 times larger quantities of mature vegetables." see document
Translation, in everyday terms: "Eating small amounts of 3-day-old broccoli sprouts gives you as much 'enzyme inducers that protect against cancer' as eating 10-100 times larger quantities of mature broccoli." And... They DO contain LARGE quantities of these "inducers of enzymes."

Have you ever eaten alfalfa sprouts commonly available at many salad bars? Or maybe bean sprouts, which are a bit larger? They are excellent sources of protein and lots of other very potent and good-for-you stuff. But broccoli sprouts are AMAZING! Want to be convinced? Read this article! But I will tell you that basically, according to hundreds of studies, eating a few ounces of broccoli sprouts each day can not only protect you from ever getting cancer, but has the potential to actually cause existing cancer cells in your body to die off. I know this sounds like too-good-to-be-true-snake-oil-sales kind of stuff, so read the studies for yourself. And then go to and learn all there is to know about sprouting your own broccoli sprouts, easily and economically, in your own kitchen.


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